Not all tutoring providers have the same skills. Web Learning offers you verified tutors who will provide you with expert support during the online tutoring lesson via Zoom.
Preparation for the lesson
Book your online tutoring lesson early via the website. We recommend booking three days in advance - you can book up to 24 hours before the lesson starts. Be sure to fill out the booking form accurately so that the tutor can prepare for the online lesson in the best possible way (for example: mathematics, LU 18, percentages). You have the possibility to request additional material. Be sure to note down your questions and ambiguities before the lesson so that they can certainly be answered. In order to do this, you will need to go through the material briefly on your own before the lesson.
During the lesson
You can and should have a say in the design of your online tutoring lesson (for example: start the lesson with a guiding question from the tutor; summarize the lesson at the end; include games and fun...). During the lesson, if there is anything you don't understand, you should ask immediately. You may not have this opportunity at school.

Our tutors all have a lot of experience in tutoring. Be sure to ask how you can quickly and efficiently internalize certain learning content. If necessary, this blog can provide you with more information about your learning style.
Follow up the lesson
After the Zoom meeting, we recommend that you review the previous tutoring lesson and briefly review the material on your own. This way you can see where you need to invest more time.